

A beforeUdig member is any utility, local authority or similar organisation that wants to protect its assets from damage and/or interruption from third party damage by excavation works. Asset Owners become members of the beforeUdig service by registering the location of their assets. They will then receive notifications of any intended works lodged as an enquiry with beforeUdig. By doing this, asset owners will be notified immediately when contractors or others who use beforeUdig are planning to excavate in or around their assets.

Contractors use beforeUdig because it is easy to submit a single enquiry and quickly make contact with all relevant asset owners.


The benefits of becoming a member of beforeUdig:

  • Minimise the risk of service interruption
  • Ensure continuity of supply of essential services
  • Prevent injuries to workers
  • Reduce or avoid potential financial losses
  • Improve public image
  • Managing risk
  • Leverage from enquiries made of other utilities
  • Reduce costs in responding to plan requests
  • Full access to the Damage Prevention Portal


The Damage Prevention Portal initiative aligns with beforeUdig’s long term approach delivering practical solutions that aid in the reduction of damages caused by excavation. Our main objective with this brand-new platform is to provide utilities with as much information and visibility about excavation works around their area of interest. As a result of this and similar initiatives, NZ’s precious essential infrastructure and surrounding assets remain protected at the highest level. Some of the features available in the ground-breaking beforeUdig software platform include:

  • Powerful analytics & reporting.
  • Area of Interest Management (AOI): upload, approve and publish.
  • Create and manage enquiry notification rules.
  • Live chat & Knowledge-base
  • An interactive query engine:
    - List or Map results
    - Overlay mapping & feature data sets
    - View individual notification details
    - Export lists

While forging this innovative platform, we sought to reduce many of the challenges associated with digging and excavation by enhancing the availability of essential excavation details.  The Damage Prevention Portal will increase awareness, improve the flow of information, and foster growth in the utility and construction industry.



Contact us immediately if you are interested in protecting your underground assets.

To become a member of the beforeUdig service we will need some information about your assets and organisation including:

  • An area of interest or geographic boundary encompassing the locations of your assets
  • An email address for the referral of notifications
  • An email address for general communications
  • Corporate details

The more we can understand about your business the better we can tailor our service to your needs.


To help you with any beforeUdig enquiries we've prepared a number of Guides for your use:



Need more information?